Teachers for a New Era Principles:

Design Principle A:
Decisions Driven by Evidence
1. Drawing upon research
2. The role of pupil learning

Design Principle B:
Engagement with the Arts & Sciences
1. Subject matter understanding
2. General and liberal education

Design Principle C:
Teaching as an Academically Taught Clinical
Practice Profession
1. Pedagogy
2. Schools as clinics
3. Teachers on faculty appointment
4. Residency (induction)
5. Preparation of candidates for professional growth

Issues to be Addressed Jointly by Faculties in Education
and Arts & Sciences

a. Pedagogical content knowledge
b. Literacy/numeracy skills
c. Elementary and middle school education
d. Technology
e. Cultural considerations in teaching and learning
f. Recruitment of under-represented groups into teaching
g. Late deciders in an undergraduate program

Design Principle A:
Decisions Driven by Evidence
3. Drawing upon research
4. The role of pupil learning

Design Principle B:
Engagement with the Arts & Sciences
3. Subject matter understanding
4. General and liberal education

Design Principle C:
Teaching as an Academically Taught Clinical
Practice Profession
6. Pedagogy
7. Schools as clinics
8. Teachers on faculty appointment
9. Residency (induction)
10. Preparation of candidates for professional growth

Issues to be Addressed Jointly by Faculties in Education
and Arts & Sciences

h. Pedagogical content knowledge
i. Literacy/numeracy skills
j. Elementary and middle school education
k. Technology
l. Cultural considerations in teaching and learning
m. Recruitment of under-represented groups into teaching
n. Late deciders in an undergraduate program

MSU Teachers for a New Era Project

Who : Colleges of Education, Natural Science, 
  Arts and Letters, Social Sciences
  K-12 Associates
What: Improve the education of prospective teachers
  Improve the education of their pupils
  Impact on policy decisions
How : A. Make Content Central:

Who : Colleges of Education, Natural Science, 
Arts and Letters, Social Sciences
K-12 Associates

What: Improve the education of prospective teachers
Improve the education of their pupils
Impact on policy decisions
How : A. Make Content Central:
Literacy, Numeracy, K-8 Social Science, 9-12 Science:

1. Develop standards for content learning
2. Develop standards for teacher knowledge
3. Develop standards for pedagogical knowledge
Make Context Central:
1. Knowledge of diverse learners
2. Knowledge of schools
3. Knowledge of community
B. Revise curricula; measure impact
C. Assess:
1. Prospective teachers’ learning
2. K-12 pupil learning
3. Program impacts: measure 2 in relation to 1
E. Induction Program: 2-year, post internship support
1. Multiple formats
2. Multiple levels
3. Mentoring
E. Urban focus:
1. Recruit teacher candidates for urban areas
2. Preparation for teaching in urban districts
3. Consider non-traditional pools for prospects

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Michigan State University, Copyright © 2003
College of Education
Erickson Hall, MSU
East Lansing, MI 48824